Home News Young Footballer Succumbs to Cardiorespiratory Arrest During Practice

Young Footballer Succumbs to Cardiorespiratory Arrest During Practice

Young Footballer Succumbs to Cardiorespiratory Arrest
Young Footballer Succumbs to Cardiorespiratory Arrest

Young footballer Walid Bouabidi Rafi, a nine-year-old lad and a student at the Noblejas Sports Club and the Municipal Football School (pictured below) in the Toledo municipality of Noblejas, died after experiencing a cardiac and respiratory arrest during a football training session.

The club and the Municipal Football School issued a statement expressing their sorrow at the loss of the youngster, despite the efforts of healthcare personnel to revive him.

“Despite the tremendous efforts of the football school monitors, the municipal sports service staff, medical assistance, Ocaña Civil Guard, municipal authorities present yesterday afternoon along with parents, the medical condition of the child could not be resolved in the way we all would have wished,” they state at the beginning of the statement.

The club has announced the suspension of training sessions and matches for the Municipal Football School as a sign of official mourning, “from today, December 12, 2023, and as a sign of official mourning, training sessions and matches for the Municipal Football School are suspended until the return from the Christmas holidays.”

In the final part of the statement, they have announced that a tribute to Walid will take place today, Wednesday, December 13, at 6:30 p.m. at the “Ángel Luengo Garro” Municipal Football Field in Noblejas.

“We want to have the presence of all the players from all the teams of the Municipal Football School, all their family members, and anyone who wishes to accompany us in these difficult moments, as a sign of solidarity and remembrance. Rest in peace.”

Explainer: Is it common for young football players or athlete’s to suffer heart attacks?

While it is extremely rare for young football players to suffer heart attacks, it is not entirely impossible. Heart attacks in young individuals are typically associated with underlying heart conditions or genetic factors. Most young athletes undergo thorough medical examinations, including cardiovascular screenings, before participating in sports to identify any potential risks.

However, certain heart conditions may not be immediately apparent or may develop over time. Conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart muscle), congenital heart defects, or arrhythmias can increase the risk of sudden cardiac events.

To mitigate these risks, many sports organizations and institutions have implemented pre-participation screening programs to identify potential cardiovascular issues in young athletes. This screening often includes a medical history review, physical examination, and sometimes additional tests like electrocardiograms (ECGs) or echocardiograms.

It’s important for young athletes, their parents, and coaches to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heart-related issues, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting. If any of these symptoms occur, prompt medical attention is crucial.

In summary, while the risk of heart attacks in young football players is low, it’s not zero. Regular medical check-ups and screenings are essential to identify and manage any underlying cardiovascular conditions, ensuring the safety of young athletes during sports participation.


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