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Bring it on!


Former Mijas Councilor Bill Anderson reflects on a series of disappointments and frustrations he has experienced over the past months

A number of people have spoken to me in recent months saying they have missed my social media presence. I have been very quiet on that front. There isn’t one single reason for that, but the main one is that I chose to say nothing than put some of my angry thoughts in the public domain. I guess I am feeling a bit calmer about the last year than I have at some points, so here goes.

The last nine or ten months have been cluttered with disappointments, less so with individuals than with institutions, but there were   also some individuals who shall remain nameless. Losing my seat as a councillor was a foregone conclusion  once I was pushed so far down the list. That’s life, and that’s politics, but disappointing, nevertheless.

But it didn’t matter too much as I had a special type of leave of absence for public service from my university teaching post, guaranteeing my return.  Or so I thought. They didn’t refuse to take me back: they just ignored me, leading to a legal case against them. Not a lot of fun.

Then there was the Spanish Social Security system which I have paid into for over 20 years. They very generously paid me 500 euros a month for unemployment benefit. Well actually, it was 600 but the first 100 euros was deducted for my ‘Social Security’ contribution. Even without a lavish lifestyle, 500 euros doesn’t go far in the Spain of 2024. To say it is a cockeyed, illogical system designed by idiots is being generous. And before anyone says, ‘If you don’t like it, go back to the UK’ … not possible as my wife is Spanish, and we wouldn’t meet the UK immigration requirements as we don’t plan to arrive on a rubber dingy from Calais.

As many of you know, I had a fling with a newspaper job. The job could have been interesting, and it has been said that one can’t expect to succeed in a new career at my age, but in the end it wasn’t the work that got me down; the environment just wasn’t for me.

Another disappointment came when the Party I represented got into government. There had been a promise made and, unsurprisingly, it was forgotten once they were in power. More disappointing, however, is how politicians change when they leave opposition and enter government. All of the people they were so desperate to help as opposition councillors have faded into the background of self promotion and big fancy projects. All I can say is ‘Right wing, Left wing … same bird.’

I have tried to keep the mind (and the keyboard) active and have finished four books: two already published, and two getting ready for publication, with another on the way.  My new series of books, The Calapene Chronicles, may yet get me into trouble, but what the hell; bring it on.


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